Blueback Trout Habitat
Blueback Trout require permanently cold, clear spring or mountain fed water that offers plenty of cover, overhanging branches, sunken debris and is free from human construction or agriculture.
The addition of forestry or other human activity creates often lead to silt build up and can stagnate the water that over time will lead to the eradication of Blueback Trout from the water.
In most cases, Blueback Trout are not found in water that exceeds 68°F/20°C. If water goes above that, they will head deeper in to pool and rifts in rivers and deeper into lakes and ponds.
Blueback Spawning Habitat
The Blueback Trout spawn in the fall from September to October on gravel or rock shoals in lakes and in slow pools in rivers. They prefer the same habitat as all other charr. The water temperature use be cold and it must also be clear.
Spawning depths may vary from three to 15 feet and a redd, or nest, is prepared by the female who uses her tail fin in a sweeping motion along the bottom of the river or lake.
The female may deposit some 3,000 to 5,000 eggs, which are fertilized by the attendant male as they are laid. Females are able to spawn only every second or third year. The eggs are covered in the bottom gravel and hatch the following year, between April and July.
Stream and River Habitat
Oddly enough, while the Blueback Trout is a subspecies of the Brook Trout, it can only be found in land locked lakes. It cannot be found in rivers and streams, which is the normal native habitat for all charr so one would think that they would take to rivers and streams. To date, no one has tried to introduce into this habitat.
Food Preferences
Blueback Trout eat a range of food including insect larvae, clams, smelt, sticklebacks, brook trout and even other char. Cannibalism of young fish by adults are the only natural dangers to this species. Young Blueback Trout focus mostly on zooplancton, insect larvae and small fish as the get older.