Fish for the Guadalupe Bass using their natural foods like water-bound insects, small crayfish, minnows and small gizzard shad.

The Guadalupe Bass is often thought of being a river fish found in south Texas. And while it is from Texas, it is not just limited to the rivers and streams of the Guadalupe area it can also be found in lakes and reservoirs all year around.

Lakes and Reservoirs

Many of the so called lakes in the Guadalupe river basin are formed through the creation of dams and most of them are very shallow. Listed below is a list of a few lakes that contain the Guadalupe Bass along with the location and depth.

Amistad Reservoir: located 12 miles/19 km northwest of Del Rio, Texas.

Lake Travis: located on the Colorado river northwest of Austin. It has a maximum depth of 190 feet/58 metres.

Lake Placid: located in Guadalupe County between Lake McQueeney and Meadow Lake. Most of this lake is shallow with a maximum depth of 35 fee/10.6 metres.

McQueeney Lake: located in Guadalupe County two miles west of Seguin. The lake is very shallow with a maximum depth around 11 feet/3.8 metres.

Lake Nolte (Meadow Lake): located in Guadalupe County south of Seguin with a maximum depth of 35 feet/10.6 metres.

Lake Dunlap: located on the northwest border of Guadalupe County near New Braunfels with a maximum depth of 40 feet/12 metres.


Fish for the Guadalupe Bass using their natural foods like water-bound insects, small crayfish, minnows and small gizzard shad. lures are also effective based on the same principle as are flies.