Do not charge at the bass with your lure. Bring the lure or bait with in a few feet of their location, jigging the lure about to attract their attention.

Night fishing is a little different from fishing during the day for many reasons. For one, night fishing can be dangerous. Many anglers have been hurt becuase they have not done the proper terrainwqlk through during the day. Also, be sure to have the proper safety gear and a cell phone handy. Another reason why night fishing is different in that Shoal Bass do not have great eyesight at night and colour differentiation is poor at best.

Before dawn, but after 17h00, your best bet is to use the Pop-R, crayfish and other baitfish like the fathead minnow or golden shiner.

As the sun begins to set, it becomes harder for the Shoal Bass to distinguish between colours. Therefore, the best techniques for catching Shoal Bass include aiming at their sense of territory and using movements that are more aggressive.

The Moon

While colours are hard to detect, bright shiny lures are still visible and reflect moonlight quite well. Experienced anglers know that night fishing with the moon is much easier and productive than those nights that are overcast or have a new moon.


A fish finder is also essential, otherwise, one cannot properly appeal to a fish’’s sense of territory if there location is not known. A fish finder is essential for winter fishing. For the summer months, it is not as critical.

Night Techniques

Do not charge at the bass with your lure. Bring the lure or bait with in a few feet of their location, jigging the lure about to attract their attention. Surface lures can also be effective, though getting down a few feet to their level is more effective on most nights especially when the water temperature varies greatly from the surface to the floor bed.

Night Light

Even nights with a full-moon will benefit from a light. Avoid bright lights as these will scare away the fish. Do not shine the light towards the water. Where possible, keep the light away from the water completely as this will cause the Shoal bass to back off. Imagine having a light shined in your eyes after you have been in the dark for a few minutes.