Arctic Charr Lake Fishing

Fighting Arctic Char
The best Arctic Charr fishing is in the most remote locations like Cape Dorset. Located on Baffin Island this is well within the Arctic Circle.
There are no roads to the island. The only way in is via helicopter, plane or icebreaker. The nearest hospital is thousands of miles away.
If you have a chance to fish locations like Cape Dorset, do so. It’s so alien and unlike anywhere else on earth.
Planning Baffin Island Arctic Charr Trip
With summer lasting a mere 6 weeks, planning logistics are critical. There are no weather guarantees so plan early in summer in case there are any delays.
Find a reputable pilot by checking the chamber of commerce for the Northwest Territories of Nunavut or even Alaska. A float plane is the best option for flying in.
Bring spare gear of anything that could break, get lost or broken. There are absolutely no tackle shops on the island and only a few villages that may be hundreds of kilometers away from villages.
A satellite phone is required to keep in communication. Keep in daily communication with a friend with strict instructions on what to do if you fail to call in.
Clothing is more important than your gear as your life depends on it. While this is summer, temperatures can dive below freezing. Blizzards are possible as is rain and temperature may even climb well above 60 so you need water proof clothing that can breath.
Also bring along a medical kit with things like gauze bandages, medical tape, disinfectant and get your tetanus shot before leaving.
Large, Colorful Arctic Charr
The largest and most colorful Arctic Charr are available at the end of summer as temperatures drop and weather becomes less predicable and more extreme.
Make sure you’ve hired a well seasoned and experienced guide or very well prepared if going to these extreme locations to fish.