Author: admin

Coho Salmon Habitat

Wood debris in the river and from undercut riverbanks effects Juvenile Coho Salmon fishing, movement and position in the stream. Effects of Wood debris on Juveniles Coho Salmon Juvenile Coho Salmon respond very well to food...

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Coho Salmon Lake Fishing

Coho Salmon are not native to lakes. While they are born in fresh water, they leave for the ocean and do not return until they are ready to spawn, and when they are done spawning, they die. Living in freshwater So how do we find...

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Coho Salmon Reproduction

At three to four years of age, Coho Salmon reach sexual maturity. Starting with mid to late summer and from September to October, coho swim up to 400 miles up fresh water streams where they were born. Most Coho Salmon spawn in...

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Chum Salmon Winter Fishing

Winter for Chum Salmon concludes the spawning cycle. For Chum Salmon located in the northern part of their distribution, spawning ended in in late October. However, spawning can go as late as December in the southern reach of...

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Chum Salmon An Introduction

Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) are also known as dog salmon or Keta salmon and is often marketed under the name Silverbrite salmon. The name Chum Salmon comes from the Chinook Jargon term tzum, meaning spotted or marked. The...

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Top Tips

Smallmouth Bass prefer cool, oxygen rich water.

Therefore, try streams and rivers with fast moving water. Smallmouth can also be found behind brush or other debris and where rocks breach the surface, creating oxygen rich water.

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