Author: admin

Coho Salmon Autumn Fishing

Coho Salmon are very popular on the west coast in the fall. They can also be found along with Chinook salmon. Due to the popularity of these fish in the rivers, streams and bays of the Seattle and Vancouver area, they are a big...

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Chum Salmon Spring Fishing

Chum Salmon migrate in the fall. In the spring, they are attracted to many bait fish that migrate in the spring and gorge on them rapidly growing in size. As most Chum Salmon spend their lives in the ocean, the best fishing for...

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Chum Salmon Summer Fishing

Summer Chum salmon runs in the Hood Canal and Strait of Juan de Fuca region are the earliest returning Chum Salmon in the Washington region. And as such, they are an attraction to a number of anglers looking to smoke Chum Salmon...

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Chum Salmon River Fishing

Once Chum Salmon leave the ocean and move up stream, they stop feeding. Some Chum will still feed in the first few days after entering the mouth of a large river. They can still be caught though. Like many predatory fish, they...

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Chum Salmon Features and Size

Silver-bright Chum Salmon and Sockeye Salmon are often confused by many novice anglers. However, Chum Salmon can easily be distinguished from Sockeye Salmon as the Chum Salmon has a caudal peduncle fin that is much narrower than...

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Top Tips

Smallmouth Bass prefer cool, oxygen rich water.

Therefore, try streams and rivers with fast moving water. Smallmouth can also be found behind brush or other debris and where rocks breach the surface, creating oxygen rich water.

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