Author: admin

Bull Trout Spring Fishing

Bull Trout Spring Fishing Techniques Sea Trout Name Confusion While the Bull Trout is native to western North America, there is also a Bull Trout in Europe. However, this Bull Trout is a different species and is a much larger...

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Bull Trout Summer Fishing

Think Bull Trout and one thinks river fish. After all, whenever you see pictures of anglers fishing for trout, salmon or charr, they are always in a pristine river, rushing past rocks with trees lining wither side of the river....

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Bull Trout River Fishing

Autumn and spring are the best seasons to practice river fishing. Where are Bull Trout in the River In the summer and late spring, Bull Trout are often found in the sea. And in winter, while fly fishing is possible in some...

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Bull Trout Habitat

The Bull Trout has a very specific habitat that it requires to live and breed in. Like the Brook Trout, encroachment in its habitat by industry and pollution has led to declines in its population. Unlike the Dolly Varden, that...

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Top Tips

Smallmouth Bass prefer cool, oxygen rich water.

Therefore, try streams and rivers with fast moving water. Smallmouth can also be found behind brush or other debris and where rocks breach the surface, creating oxygen rich water.

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