Author: admin

Longfin Eel Fresh Water Monsters

In 1971 a New Zealand newspaper reported that Carol Davis, a young girl of 8 wandered into a small river when she was heard screaming. An Eel had clamped down on her leg and was pulling her into deep water until she was rescued....

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Piraiba Catfish A Fresh Water Monster

The Piraiba Catfish is a hunter and will go after live animals. In fact there are reports the world over of catfish attacking people. Largest Catfish in the World The Piraiba Catfish (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum) is found in...

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Red Belly and Black Piranha Fresh Water

At the end of the dry season, with blood in the water, with a person struggling and in distress and an attack by Piranhas is going to happen. Piranha have a reputation for being aggressive, ruthless and an appetite for devouring...

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Sawfish Fresh Water Monster

The Sawfish does grow very large reaching to about 23 feet and does have very large teeth on its boney snout and will use it to defend itself even against people. River Monster or Gentle Giant There are multiple species of...

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Candiru Fresh Water Monster

In 1997, Silvio Barbosa was relieving himself in an Amazon tributary. The Candiru from locating the stream of urea and swimming up his penis. The Blood-Sucking Candiru Myth This myth makes everyone cringe, and what makes is so...

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Top Tips

Smallmouth Bass prefer cool, oxygen rich water.

Therefore, try streams and rivers with fast moving water. Smallmouth can also be found behind brush or other debris and where rocks breach the surface, creating oxygen rich water.

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