Brown Trout Autumn Fishing

Retrieve at a moderate to slow pace so they’ll take notice and strike at the lure
By the end of September, the weather has changed dramatically across much of the Brown Trout’s distribution.
The days are shorter and the day time highs are much lower than the summer highs.
The night time lows are reaching temperatures not seen since early May when frost is in the air.
However, this is not a dead time at all for the Brown Trout.
Fall is in fact the spawning time for Brown Trout so they are very active during this time. Fishing for them is as exciting as fishing in the spring.
Fall is also the time of spawning for many other species like the Brook Trout and all Charr species like Lake Trout, Arctic Char, Brook Trout, Dolly Varden and Bull Trout.
- The Brown Trout change colors when they spawn. They also eat heavily prior to spawning. As much as 2 months prior to their spawning date.
And as Brown Trout survive their spawning, they are also eating to survive the winter as well.
Knowing that Brown Trout are very hungry during this time means it’s not hard to catch them if you know where to catch them, what lures and which baits to use.
- The fall is the time to catch the big Brown Trout.
How to catch big Brown Trout
We get lots of questions on how to catch large Brown Trout and many other fish here at bassfishinggurus. Each time we give the same answer.
- If you want big fish, you need big baits.
- If you use big baits and there are no big fish, you won’t catch anything.
Simply put, don’t go using the largest lure or bait unless you know what the largest Brown Trout is that can be found in your lake.
Have a few different sizes, one for the biggest you feel is there, one of average size and one a little bigger.
Preferred Baits and Flies
Brown Trout love large flies. Large Brown Trout streamer flies are sure to land you big Brown Trout.
Brown Trout also love eating mice, frogs, smaller trout as well as any other bait fish that may call home the same stream.
Remember, they are extra hungry in the fall so these larger baits should work very well.
Fishing to appeal to their aggressive nature
As Brown Trout begin their spawning swim to their spawning grounds, male Brown Trout become very aggressive to defend their territory and will strike out at anything that gets too close.
So choosing the right lure is important. But how you make it move is also very important.
- Choose a good sized lure or bait and bring it close to the Brown Trout’s position. Within 2 to 3 feet is sufficient
- Don’t retrieve too fast or they will ignore it. Retrieve at a moderate to slow pace so that they will take notice and strike at it
- Remember, the key is to get close and to maneuvre in a way not to spook the Brown Trout