Dolly Varden Distribution
The Dolly Varden can also be found as far south and the US/Mexican border in the United States.
The Dolly Varden has a large distribution. It is found in abundance in the far east including Japan, China, north from Japan into Kamchatka and northeastern Russia as well as central Russia.
It can also be found extensively through Alaska and western Canada. The Dolly Varden can also be found in Canada’s interior including the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Alberta, Nunavut, Manitoba and Ontario. They can be found in temperate parts of Canada as well as in the high arctic.
The Dolly Varden can also be found as far south and the US/Mexican border in the United States. It is found in higher densities in Oregon, Washington and California as well as in Montana and a few other western states.
The Dolly Varden can also be found in Europe, though in lower densities. It can be found in Portugal, France and the United Kingdom.
Dolly Varden Abundance
The Dolly Varden is found in abundance in the northwest of North America, specifically Alaska, which has a large population, the Northwest Terriroties, British Columbia and parts of the northwest United States, specifically Oregon, Washington and California. It is also abundant from Alaska over to Kamchuka and down to Japan.
The remaining parts of its distribution have much smaller populations including Europe and southern parts of Asia and Russia. The Dolly Varden is most abundant in western Russia.
Cold Water Habitat
Most Charr are found in cold or temperate waters. And as can be seen with the Dolly Varden, it is concentrated in norther waters.
Where it can be found in the south, it is often reserved for cold water running down from the mountains or lakes and rivers that offer deep cold water from springs or lack of thermal heating.