Terminal Tackle Knots

How to Tie Terminal Tackle Knots
The majority of anglers take it upon themselves to be educated on the more expensive items like rods and reels. However, we often don’t take the time to understand our terminal tackle and the knots for terminal tackle.
This is a step by step guide for tying the most common knots used for terminal tackle.
Palomar Knot
Terminal knots are primarily for tying on swivels, snaps and hooks. The palomar knot is considered the most dependable and strongest terminal knot with between 95 and 100% line test strength.
Double 6 inches of line and pass it through the eye of the hook.

Palomar Fishing Knot Step 1
Tie a loose overhand knot in the double line with the hook hanging as seen below.

Palomar Fishing Knot Step 2
Hold the overhand knot and then pass the loop of line over the hook.

Palomar Fishing Knot Step 3
Finally, pull both the standing line and the tag end in order to tighten the knot down and then trim any excess.
Improved Clinch Knot
This is a strong, secure knot and is considered reliable. It’s also quick and easy to tie, making it a quick learn for any novice angler.
Thread the end of the line through the hook’s eye, then double-back and make 5 turns as indicated in the image below.

Improved Clinch Knot Step 1
Thread the end of the line through the first loop formed, right behind the line and back through the large loop.

Improved Clinch Knot Step 2
Moisten the knot and then pull it slightly on the tag end and then pull on the standing line to form the knot with each coil pressed snugly together and in good form.
Once done, trim the excess.
Return Knot
The return knot is good for baitfishing with small hooks. It works well with standard baits for small fish as well as with flies.
Pass the end of the line down through the hook’s eye followed by passing the tag after the first turn, pointing it in the same direction.

Return Fishing Knot Step 1
Continue passing the tag back in front of the hook.

Return Fishing Knot Step 2
Hold the knot together where all strands cross the eye while pushing the uppermost loop back over the hook. Be sure to pull slowly and steadily.

Return Fishing Knot Step 3