How to Tie Bimini Twist Knots

Known also as the rollover knot, 20 times around knot and the double tie. It’s used for offshore trolling and sports fishing and the creation of double-line leaders. The Bimini twist creates a loop at the end of the line, and then is secured to the top with a long barrel of coiled line.
How to tie the Bimini Twist Knot
This is a knot that’s actually stronger than the line itself and is rare as it doesn’t weaken the line. It’s a simple method of doubling your fishing line in order to prevent chaffing or to create the necessary loop in order to attach a wind-on leader without using strength in the mainline.
Start by making a loop. Once you have the loop, make 20 twists in the line as in the figures below.

Bimini Twist Knot 1
As you make the twists, keep the lines at 45 degree angles.

Bimini Twist Knot 2
Keeping tension on the line to the reel, but relax it slightly on the tag end. This process can be assisted by placing a finger in the “v” at the bottom of the twist.

Bimini Twist Knot 3
Now, with all the twists complete, create a half-hitch around the right leg of the loop and pull it tight: forget this and the knot will unravel.

Bimini Twist Knot 4
To complete the knot, apply a 4-turn locking hitch around both loop strands. Use moisture on the line before pulling the tag end. Pull back the turns as you tighten them and then trim the tag end.

Bimini Twist Knot 5

Bimini Twist Knot 6