Rainbow Trout River Fishing

The river is where fishing for Rainbow Trout really stands out from other habitats.
In early spring Rainbows are found in streams. For best places to fish look for these 4 areas.
- water with fast currents
- fallen trees
- large rocks
- banks that are undercut
Similar to Steelhead fishing, bait fishing for rainbows demands the same responsive touch as the bait moves along the bottom.
Top 10 Tips for Catching Rainbow Trout
- They begin active feeding once the ice leaves the lake. You’ll find them feeding on schools of bait fish as well as terrestrial and aquatic insects in water no deeper than 10 feet.
- Present your bait or fly close to the Rainbow Trout when fishing in water below 55°F/12.7°C.
- When the waters warm to the Rainbow’s optimal water temperature, use weighted nymphs, bucktails, and streamer lures.
- They become selective feeders as the summer progresses, but during the aquatic insect season, cast wet flies across the current. Left to drift downstream or directed into pockets these will often produce a strike.
- Rainbows feed in fast water during the day in low and clear streams.
- At daybreak they’ll search pools for small minnows. As the waters warm they look for aquatic insects and grasshoppers.
- During the early morning pool feedings, use gently presented bucktail and streamer flies and small spinning lures.
- During the day use grasshoppers or experiment with different flies until the rainbow trout respond.
- After a summer rain use earthworms or spring bait fishing techniques and spinning lures.
- In the fall, the rainbow trout may sometimes charge the lure or fly but not bite. If this happens just let the fly drift without any movement and wait for a strike.
Best baits to use are earth worms, leeches and shrimp.
Effective lures include Dick Nite spoons and the classic Mepps spinners.
Best Fishing Lures for Trout
Mepps are still effective but consider using the Roostertail spinners and Crocodile spoons.
Be sure to use bright colors such as orange and red, especially when the water is turbid.
Spinners and spoons are ideal when fishing at night and in highly turbid waters. But keep in mind, fish like murky water as much as people like smoky rooms.
We’ve sourced the best prices on amazon for some of the effective lures if you want to check them out.
There are a great many rivers and streams along the western coast of Canada, the United States, South America and throughout Europe.
The Damdochax River is located in northern British Columbia, Canada. Due to its remote location, it’s not fished as much as southern rivers and therefore provides larger and more abundant Rainbow Trout. All fish runs, including the Rainbow Trout, are naturally run. Other fish we cover in BFG can be found in this river including Coho Salmon, Chinook Salmon, Bull Trout and Dolly Varden.
Access is limited to this river system as the only way in is by plane. Although access by boat is possible, chartering a boat from the nearest port would prove very expensive.